Goldfinch Speed:

for Schools and Teams

What is Goldfinch Speed for schools and teams?

  1. Specific, tailored speed programming which works with your existing strength program (or can be tied in with ours, if desired)

  2. Logistics for laser-accurate measurement of all sprints and drills

  3. A nationwide leaderboard of all Goldfinch Athletes that shows where you or your athletes stack up against other athletes just like them

  4. Reward and incentive systems to make athletes truly want to train and improve

  5. Education for coaches on technique, setup, cueing, and logistics to enable a healthy and strong speed program run by people who truly care for the athletes…you

Package Options

Measurement Only - Combine Day

  • Our team comes out to provide the most thorough team-wide assessment money can buy. The measurements would be done by using laser timing gates to test speed and explosiveness to the 1000th of a second, Force Plates to test power, explosion, symmetry, and coordination, and a range of change of direction and explosion tests.

  • You’ll get both a team report and each athlete tested will get an individual report. This aggregates all of the attributes tested and compares them to how other athletes their age, sex, and sport perform. Individual athletes will also be on a live leaderboard

    The team report aggregates all this information and can be compared to other teams to see where you collectively stack up.

  • <25 athletes: $375 ($15 per athlete) measured, billed once

    26-75 Athletes: $550 ($7.33 per athlete) measured, billed once

    >76 Athletes: $700 (<$5 per athlete) measured, billed once

Speed Programming (Most Popular)

  • We integrate our speed program into your existing strength program. We make sure the right intensity and training patterns blend to produce the best possible outcome.

    With every speed and speed + programming package purchased of over 25 athletes, teams will also receive a FREE DASHR TIMING SYSTEM sent to them with training on how to set up and install it.

  • PROGRAMMING—The programming contains warm-ups, activation activities, technical drills, sprints and jumps for specific days, and games and drills in each training day to keep your athletes enjoying their training, competing, and building a true team.

    EDUCATION—Understanding how to coach is half the battle. Included in every speed and speed+ package purchased comes with access to our full education suite about techniques, coaching cues, and ideas for how to make your program the best it can be.

    MEASUREMENT—With every program purchased of 26 or more athletes is a free Dashr laser timing system (valued at $700).

  • 2-75 athletes - $150/mo (~$3/athlete/mo), billed monthly

    >75 athletes — $194/mo (<$2.60/athlete/mo), billed monthly

    If you elect to pay for 12 months at once, take an additional 12% off!

Speed + Strength Programming

  • Everything that goes with the speed programming is included in the Speed + Strength package. What is added to this package is our top-of-the-line strength package. To get the best, most explosive athletes, marry a speed program to a well-planned strength program. But the best part is, you get to see, coach, and connect with your athletes. We just give you the tools to do it.

    With every speed and speed + programming package purchased of over 25 athletes, teams will also receive a FREE DASHR TIMING SYSTEM sent to them with training on how to set up and install it.

  • Everything in our speed program (see column to the left), plus strength and lifting programming aimed at athletes in season, out of season, and those who are year-round athletes.

    We program for and around the major US sports of football, volleyball, basketball, soccer, baseball/softball, wrestling, and track and field.

  • 2-75 athletes — $167/mo (~$2.50/athlete/mo), billed monthly

    >75 athletes — $213/mo (<$2.15/athlete/mo), billed monthly

    If you elect to pay for 12 months at once, take an additional 12% off!

Why should I use Goldfinch Speed if I’m a school or team?

Teams that use Goldfinch Speed see their athletes attend workouts from start to finish in an entire training cycle more than 95% of the time. Because of the programming and structure, our average teams (in a 10-week offseason training cycle) see an average increase of 7% in explosiveness (measured by jumping statistics), a 3% reduction in sprint times, and a 4% improvement in change of direction.

You get results, relationships, buy-in, and planning without turning over control to someone else or doing it all yourself. Additionally, everything we do is based on data. You’ll see if it’s working throughout the program, not just wishing and hoping at the end of a training cycle that you got the results you want.

We do all this not by heavy-handing a workout program that you have no control over. Quite the opposite—the reason this works is because your athletes already trust you. We work with you to take our speed and explosion work and weave it into your existing structure. We are happy to add our strength programming to those who’d like it, but we respect the immense work that coaches put into theirs, so the core product is simply tying into what already exists.

If you use Goldfinch Speed for at least 10 weeks and don’t see improvements in speed and explosiveness, we’ll refund 100% of what you paid. We’re that confident that what we do works.

Where did the concept to get Goldfinch Speed into schools come from?

For 15 years and counting, our facilities in central Iowa—Ankeny Sports Performance and Acceleration Iowa— have been training athletes in speed development. During that time, one athlete specifically gave inspiration for why Goldfinch needs to exist. She was a talented sprinter who lived two and a half hours away from our facility. She had access to a high school strength program, but that high school didn’t have a fully developed speed program in-house. So in addition to her training at school, she made a 5-hour round trip to work with us three times per week.

She ended up winning four state championships in track and field, so it paid off. Her experience isn’t unique, and we’ve had dozens and dozens of athletes drive from more than an hour away to come to our facility and we’ve helped them win state, get college scholarships, or head to professional leagues.

But her experience got us thinking — the very top athletes who have the resources will still probably make that drive. But how many athletes are just on the cusp, can’t schedule those trips, or can’t afford that training? Could we make those kids faster, more explosive, and better athletes? Couldn’t we make it so every kid has access to training? What if we did this all while building stronger team bonds by taking what we do and having it done at the school/team level? What if we could take what we do with such efficacy and bring that to overworked coaches across the country, especially in areas that don’t have access to a facility like ours?

That’s where Goldfinch Speed exists. We have used and tested this program with hundreds of athletes outside the walls of our facility and thousands upon thousands inside of it. The results we boast about aren’t atypical. Given the chance, you can have these results too.