“Strength and conditioning,” in our opinion, is missing a word.

Strength, speed, and conditioning.

Without an emphasis on that concept, speed work oftentimes gets buried among conditioning work. If we did the same with strength programming, every set of squats athletes perform would be max-out, burn-out reps instead of consistent, programmed reps over a training cycle.

Seems silly when put that way, doesn’t it?

In order to reach its potential, a program needs a strength program and a speed program. You’ve spent time, care, and effort crafting a strength and conditioning program that improves your athletes.

Goldfinch Speed is speed-specific programming and logistics that encompasses in-season athletes, out-of-season athletes, and multi-sport athletes (those who never have an offseason) for the primary US high school sports: football, volleyball, track/XC, soccer, basketball, baseball/softball, wrestling, and swimming.

Let us add our speed component that’s worked for thousands of athletes over more than 15 years to your program.

Pricing and Packages for Goldfinch Speed

All packages receive:

-Personalized programming for all in- and out-of-season athletes

-Logistics of training plans

-Measurement metrics (hardware costs are included for programs over 100 athletes) and access to a nationwide leaderboard

-Reward and incentive system

  • $3.99 per athlete per month.

    *Additional hardware costs may be necessary

  • $3.75 per athlete per month

    *Additional hardware cost may be necessary

  • $3.50 per athlete per month

    *All hardware costs are included in the monthly membership

  • $2.99 per athlete per month

    *All hardware costs are included in the monthly membership